About Beauty Of Gaia

Why Gaia?

The name Gaia is widely used for mother earth.
The name goes back to the greek mythology (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia) as name for the earth as a person and for one of the fist goddess too.

Why beauty?

Beauty is not just a word. It fills us with a whole bunch of thoughts. It gives us a feeling of happines.
Beauty of Gaia, of our planet, of the earth, is everywhere. Everything is beautiful. Some times in its own way, where it needs longer to see it.
Just as example:

The blue sky,
A white cloud,
The horizon,
A drinking bird,
A field of grass that sway in the wind,
The structure of a leave,
Simply the sunset,
A flamingo searching for food,
Moving sand particles of a dune,
The fog over a lake at sunrise....
To finish that list is not possible, beauty is everywhere just watch.

Why this page?

This page want to be understand as a way to show the natural beauty of the earth (of Gaia) to everyone who want to see it.
This page intend to provide unique pictures and documentations about the beauty of the earth. Everyone is invited to join.
This page welcome everyone who like to life in peace under the law of nature.

One more thought

Gaia loves everyone and everything. Means all things including stones, clouds, rain, the air, plants, animals and humans get the same love and the same respect.
However, Gaia expect the same love and respect from all creatures.
Of course, animals have the right to aim as such. Animals are allowed to hunt and eat each other, if needed to survive. But only if needed.
Since humans are animals, they have the right to aim the same.

In gratitude to Gaia and everyone who made this website possible.

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